Electronic Document Platform (GED)

Our Services

Which documents can I register?

  • Company regularity
  • Health, Safety and Environment
  • Quality Management System
  • Supplier Qualification
  • Customer Qualification
  • Others which need to share ONLINE or manage expiration

Who can use

  • Representatives of your company from different areas such as Regulatory Affairs, Quality, HSE, HR, Purchasing and Sales
  • Different business units of the company such as headquarters and branches
  • Storage and transport partners such as franchises, bases and crossdocking
  • Critical suppliers that need to be qualified
  • Customers who need to be qualified
  • Prospects that initiate processes to qualify or requalify their company


  • Management and control of users to access your documents
  • Organization in folders and groups of documents by areas
  • Issuance of expiration alerts
  • Management Panel
  • Issuance of Management Report
  • Traceability of activities carried out on the Platform
  • ONLINE document sharing
  • Access from any device connected to the internet

Why purchase the Document Platform

  • Streamline routines in the Regulatory Affairs and Quality Assurance Area
  • Assists in reducing business risk due to missing deadlines for renewing documents
  • Assists in reducing nonconformity in audits due to expired documents

Know more about our Plans and request a demo

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