
Our Services

Search for the product

  • Search for the product or service you need
  • Locate a supplier and consult the Licenses and Authorizations that the company has
  • FREE service to request quotes and documents from registered suppliers

Custom Search and Audit

  • In case you cannot find the supplier you need, we search for up to 03 companies to speed up your purchasing process
  • And if necessary, we carry out a remote or on-site Audit for Good Practice requirements, issuing a Qualification Certificate to the Supplier

Advertise your products and services

  • Register your business information, Licenses, Authorizations and Certifications that enable you to operate in the health market
  • Register keywords you want to use to make it easier for the customer to find your ad
  • It has an exclusive Management Panel to receive budgets

Self-Assessment for the Health Marke

  • Documentary evaluation, including requirements of regulatory agencies such as Licenses, Authorizations, Product Registrations and Certifications to enable the company's regularity in the health market
  • Audit with Report issuance, including compliance with Good Practices, corrections and necessary improvements to meet the evaluated requirements

Our Services